- Tecnoscienza 15(1), 2024.
- A response to Critical Inquiry’s review of The Eye of the Master.
- Out now for Verso Books.
- Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas, 11(22), 2023.
- Electra magazine (Portugal), Winter 2021-2022.
- Qui Parle journal, June 2021.
- AI and Society, November 2020.
- Radical Philosophy #206 Winter 2019.
- Spheres journal #6 “The Spectre of Artificial Intelligence”
- e-flux journal #101, June 2019.
- Keyword entry for the Posthuman Glossary edited by Braidotti and Hlavajova.
- Out now for Glass Bead journal
- Out now for South Atlantic Quarterly, Spring 2017.
- A Warburgian excursus on the symbolic logic of the tree form.
- Out now out in the anthology Former West (MIT Press)
- Talk at the Technosphere Now conference, Berlin.
- On Clemens von Wedemeyer’s film Esiod 2015.
- e-flux #75, September 2016.
- My contribution for the Nervous System exhibition at HKW Berlin
- Review of Paul Mason’s Postcapitalism for the Italian newspaper Il manifesto
- An essay for Open! magazine, Amsterdam.
- Open Access anthology for Meson Press.
- E-flux Supercommunity @ 56th Venice Biennale
- Parrhesia journal n. 22, May 2015.
- Talk at Transmediale 2015 and work in progress research.
- Some notes from the Anthropocene Campus at HKW Berlin.
- Dictionary entry in Critical Keywords for the Digital Humanities.
- In German for Springerin magazine (October 2014), unpublished in English…
- Notes on The Manifesto of Urban Cannibalism published on DIS magazine.
- Review of Elettra Stimilli’s The Debt of the Living (forthcoming for SUNY)
- Essay for ‘The Ultimate Capital is the Sun’ exhibition at NGBK Berlin.
- An Italian anthology on accelerationism, machines of knowledge and the autonomy of the common (September 2014)
- Introduction to: Gli Algoritmi del capitale.
- Le travail de l’abstraction : Sept thèses transitionnelles sur le marxisme et l’accélérationnismeFrench translation by Yves Citton of the seven theses on Marxism and accelerationism forthcoming in Multitudes #56 (October 2014).
- Out now for Fillip magazine #19.
- In: Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism vol. 2. Archive Books, Berlin.
- Essay on the political economy of the algorithm from Alquati’s cybernetic factory to “the society of metadata”. Theory, Culture & Society, February 2014.
- French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese translations.
- Late night notes for the Incredible Machines conference in Vancouver. Also on Nietzsche’s misquote in the ‘locus classicus’ of accelerationism.
- An essay on Marx’s notorious OCC for Rethinking Marxism journal.
- An old dystopian text from 2007…
- An old piece on the art of over-identification now out for ‘Red Art: New Utopias in Data Capitalism’
- Talk at the ‘Money and Debt in the Post-Industrial World’ conference in Dortmund.
- Italian version of the above text.
- Column for the Amsterdam-based journal OPEN! The power of abstraction as common ground between the paradigm of cognitive capitalism and biopower.
- The Korean edition of Animal Spirits has been published by Galmuri in Seoul.
- Portuguese translation of the text on cognitive capitalism and abstraction presented in Rio de Janeiro and Salvador Bahia in August 2013.
- Essay on the society of metadata for the Austrian art journal Springerin.
- Italian translation of the talk at the Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism conference in Berlin published on Uninomade.
- A text of mine in a book edited by Ariane Lourie Harrison in company of Gilles Clément, Elizabeth Grosz, Cary Wolfe, Bruno Latour and many others…
- Cuatro regímenes de entropía: por una ecología de la genética y de la teoría biomórfica de los mediaSpanish ebook of “Four Regimes of Entropy” and a first experiment of digital publishing thanks to dpr-Barcelona.
- My contribution for the Summer School of Uninomade
- Published on Through Europe 21 March 2012
- Published on UniNomade on 17 November 2011
- Published in Fibreculture #17: Unnatural Ecologies, special issues on media ecology, 2011. Published in Spanish by DPR Barcelona.
- Published on ‘il manifesto’ on 13 April 2011 with the title “L’ascesa in cattedra di un pensiero critico”.
- Translations of my article on Italian Theory published on Uninomade in English, Spanish, Portoguese, French, Polish.
- An interview with Konteiner magazine (Athens) on gentrification, urban movements and metropolitan rent.
- My essays on Google’s Pagerank and the ‘Ideology of Free Culture’ published in Japanese in Gendai-Shiso 01/2011.
- An article on Transmediale festival and the debate on bioeconomy and biopolitics for the German weekly Der Freitag.
- For the German magazine Netzpilot
- In the German newspaper TAZ.
- For the French newspaper Libération.