Online bibliographies
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Recent publications
“La vita non è un test di Turing. Contro l’intelligenza artificiale come metrica sociale”, Micromega 6, 2024. +PDF
“Theories of Automation from the Industrial Factory to AI Platforms: An Overview of Political Economy and History of Science and Technology”, Tecnoscienza 15(1), 2024, 99–112. +PDF
“Beyond the Schism of Value Form and Labor Form in AI Studies and the Humanities: A Response to Critical Inquiry“, e-flux Notes, 13 June 2024. +WEB
“Operai e algoritmi”, Jacobin Italia 23, June 2024. +PDF +WEB
“Three Thousand Years of Algorithmic Rituals: The Emergence of AI from the Computation of Space,” in: Tom Holert and Doreen Mende (eds), Navigation Beyond Vision, Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2023. Originally published in: e-flux 101, June 2019. +PDF
“From Algorithmic Thinking to Thinking Machines: Four Theses on the Position of Artificial Intelligence in the History of Technoscience”, in: Andreas Sudmann et al. (eds) Beyond Quantity: Research with Subsymbolic AI, Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. 2023. +PDF
With Elena Vogman, “Catastrophe and Schizophrenia: Artaud, Tosquelles, Goldstein, and Fanon at the Crossroad of Europe’s Wars”, in: Fragments of Repair. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, forthcoming.
With Arif Kornweitz, “The Sound of Multidimensional Space: How Avant-Garde Music Foreshadowed AI”, Biennale Venice, Catalogue of the 67th International Festival of Contemporary Music, 2023.
“Labour, Energy, and Information as Historical Configurations: Notes for a Political Metrology of the Anthropocene”, Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas, 11(22), 2022. +WEB
“From Algorism to Algorithm: A Brief History of Calculation from the Middle Ages to the Present Day”, Electra, n. 15 “The Numbers”, Winter 2021-22, 93-102. +PDF
Portoguese trans.: “Do algarismo ao algoritmo: brevíssima história do cálculo, da Idade Média até hoje”, Electra, n. 15 “The Numbers”, Winter 2021-22. +PDF
“How to Make a Class: Hayek’s Neoliberalism and the Origins of Connectionism.” Qui Parle 1 June 2021; 30 (1): 159–184. +PDF
Unauthorised Chinese translation: +WEB
Matteo Pasquinelli and Vladan Joler, “The Nooscope manifested: AI as instrument of knowledge extractivism”. AI & Soc 36, 1263–1280 (2021). +PDF +PDF
“On the Origins of Marx’s General Intellect”, Radical Philosophy, 2.06, winter 2019, 43-56. +PDF