Berlin, 4 Feb. The Alien Middle at Transmediale

February 3rd, 2017


With: Marie-Luise Angerer, Josh Berson, Nora N. Khan, Matteo Pasquinelli, Sascha Pohflepp. Moderated by Orit Halpern and Chris Salter

Talk, Sat, 04.02.2017
11:30 – 13:00, Studio, HKW

How can nonhuman agency be perceived? Machine learning, artificial intelligence, algorithmic trading, decision-making, and catastrophic ecologies will be starting points for a discussion aiming to shed light on this question, and on potential ways for responding to its machinic autonomous functioning and intervention. In addition to the human and technological axes, alienness envelops us today. Our very planet seems to rebel against our increasingly violent interventions, forcing us to ask not only why, but how we will relate to our alien others in the future. Can the agency of estrangement contribute in forming new non-identitarian politics? The Alien Middle Session attempts plumbing the depths of a world that is ever-elusive, despite our control.

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