

Matteo Pasquinelli, The Eye of the Master: A Social History of Artificial Intelligence. London: Verso, 2023. ISBN: 9781788730068 +WEB

German trans.: Das Auge des Meisters: Eine Sozialgeschichte Künstlicher Intelligenz, Münster: Unrast, forthcoming 2024.

Italian trans.: Nell’occhio dell’algoritmo. Una storia sociale dell’intelligenza artificiale, Roma: Carocci, forthcoming 2024.

Arabic trans. forthcoming.
Chinese trans. forthcoming.
French trans. forthcoming.
Greek trans. forthcoming.
Korean trans. forthcoming.
Portuguese trans. forthcoming.
Russian trans. forthcoming.
Spanish trans. forthcoming.
Turkish trans. forthcoming.

Matteo Pasquinelli (ed.) Alleys of Your Mind: Augmented Intelligence and Its Traumas. Lüneburg: Meson Press Leuphana University, 2015. ISBN: 9783957960658 +WEB +PDF

Matteo Pasquinelli (ed.) Gli algoritmi del capitale. Accelerazionismo, macchine della conoscenza e autonomia del comune. Verona: Ombrecorte, 2014. ISBN: 9788897522829 +WEB +PDF

Matteo Pasquinelli, Elena Agudio, Dorothee Albrecht, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, Eylem Sengezer (eds) The Ultimate Capital is the Sun: Metabolismus in Kunst, Politik, Philosophie und Wissenschaft. Berlin: NGBK, ISBN: 9783938515570

Matteo Pasquinelli, Animal Spirits: A Bestiary of the Commons. Rotterdam: NAi Publishers, 2008. ISBN: 9056626639 +WEB +PDF

Korean trans.: 동물혼, Seoul: Galmuri Publisher, 2013. ISBN: 9788961950725 +WEB

Matteo Pasquinelli (ed.) Media Activism: Strategie e pratiche della comunicazione indipendente, Rome: Derive Approdi, 2002. ISBN: 8887423873

Spanish edition: Mediactivismo. Estrategias y prácticas de la comunicación independiente, trans. by Asamblea Florida Este, Buenos Aires: 2003.


“La scuola non è un test Turing. Contro l’intelligenza artificiale come metrica sociale”, Micromega, forthcoming.

“Theories of Automation from the Industrial Factory to AI Platforms: An Overview of Political Economy and History of Science and Technology”, Tecnoscienza 15(1), 2024, 99–112. +PDF

“Beyond the Schism of Value Form and Labor Form in AI Studies and the Humanities: A Response to Critical Inquiry“, e-flux Notes, 13 June 2024. +WEB

“Operai e algoritmi”, Jacobin Italia, n. 23, June 2024. +PDF +WEB

“Three Thousand Years of Algorithmic Rituals: The Emergence of AI from the Computation of Space,” in: Tom Holert and Doreen Mende (eds), Navigation Beyond Vision, Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2023.  Originally published in: e-flux journal #101, June 2019. +PDF

“From Algorithmic Thinking to Thinking Machines: Four Theses on the Position of Artificial Intelligence in the History of Technoscience”, in: Andreas Sudmann et al. (eds) Beyond Quantity: Research with Subsymbolic AI, Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. 2023. +PDF

With Elena Vogman, “Catastrophe and Schizophrenia: Artaud, Tosquelles, Goldstein, and Fanon at the Crossroad of Europe’s Wars”, in: Fragments of Repair. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, forthcoming.

With Arif Kornweitz, “The Sound of Multidimensional Space: How Avant-Garde Music Foreshadowed AI”, Biennale Venice, Catalogue of the 67th International Festival of Contemporary Music, forthcoming 2023.

“Labour, Energy, and Information as Historical Configurations: Notes for a Political Metrology of the Anthropocene”, Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas, 11(22), 2022. +PDF +WEB

“From Algorism to Algorithm: A Brief History of Calculation from the Middle Ages to the Present Day”, Electra, n. 15 “The Numbers”, Winter 2021-22, 93-102. +PDF

Portoguese trans.: “Do algarismo ao algoritmo: brevíssima história do cálculo, da Idade Média até hoje”, Electra, n. 15 “The Numbers”, Winter 2021-22. +PDF

“How to Make a Class: Hayek’s Neoliberalism and the Origins of Connectionism.” Qui Parle 1 June 2021; 30 (1): 159–184. +PDF

Unauthorised Chinese translation: +WEB

Matteo Pasquinelli and Vladan Joler, “The Nooscope manifested: AI as instrument of knowledge extractivism”. AI & Soc 36, 1263–1280 (2021). +PDF +PDF

Preprint, KIM research group (Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design) and Share Lab (Novi Sad), 1 May 2020:

Italian translation +WEB
Korean translation +WEB
Polish translation +WEB
Portoguese translation +WEB
Spanish translation +WEB

“On the Origins of Marx’s General Intellect”, Radical Philosophy, 2.06, winter 2019, 43-56. +PDF

French translation by Stephen Bouquin and Antonella Corsani, “Sur les origines du General Intellect de Marx”, Les Mondes du Travail, n. 24-25, Nov. 2020. +PDF

Chinese translation: 马克思 “一般智力” 概念的来源, Register of Critical Theory of Society (16), 2024.  

“How a Machine Learns and Fails: A Grammar of Error for Artificial Intelligence”. Spheres, n. 5, 2019. +PDF

Spanish trans.: “Cómo una máquina aprende y falla. Una gramática del error para la Inteligencia Artificial” (Traducción de Emilio Cafassi, Carolina Monti, Hernán Peckaitis y Graciana Zarauza), Revista Hipertextos, 10(17), 2022, pp. 13-29. +PDF

“Three Thousand Years of Algorithmic Rituals: The Emergence of AI from the Computation of Space,” e-flux journal #101, June 2019. +PDF

Italian trans.: “Tremila anni di rituali algoritmici: L’evoluzione dell’intelligenza artificiale dalla computazione dello spazio”,  AI & Conflicts, a cura di Francesco D’Abbraccio e Andrea Facchetti (Brescia: Krisis publishing, 2021). +PDF

Portoguese trans.: ‘Três mil anos de rituais algorítmicos: a emergência da inteligência artificial a partir da computação do espaço’, in A Produção do Mundo: Problemas Logísticos e Sítios Críticos, edited by Andrea Pavoni and Franco Tomassoni, Lisboa: Outro Modo Cooperativa Cultural, 2022, 63-79.  +PDF

Chinese trans.: +PDF

“The Arborescent Mind: The Intelligence of an Inverted Tree”. In: Khadija von Zinnenburg Carroll (ed.) Botanical DriftProtagonists of the Invasive Herbarium. Berlin: Stenberg Press, 2018. +PDF

“Machines that Morph Logic: Neural Networks and the Distorted Automation of Intelligence as Statistical Inference”, Glass Bead 1, “Logic Gate: The Politics of the Artifactual Mind”, 2017. +PDF

Portuguese trans.: “Máquinas que transformam a lógica: redes neurais e a automação distorcida da inteligência como inferência estatística”, Revista Eco-Pós, 27(1), 2024, 455–473.

Russian trans.: “Машины, формирующие(ся в) логику: нейронные сети и искаженная автоматизация интеллекта в качестве статистического вывода”,  Новое литературное обозрение, n. 4, 2019. +PDF +WEB

“Arcana Mathematica Imperii: The Evolution of Western Computational Norms”, in: Maria Hlavajova et al. (eds) Former West. MIT Press, 2017. +PDF

German trans.: “Arcana Mathematica Imperii: Über die Entwicklung westlicher Rechennormen”. In: Anselm Franke et al. (eds) Nervöse Systeme. Berlin: Matthes und Seitz, 2017. +PDF

Portuguese trans.: “Arcana Mathematica Imperii: a evolução das normas computacionais ocidentais”. In: Textos para uma História da Arte Socialmente Comprometida. Lisboa: Sistema Solar/Documenta: 2019. +PDF

“The Automaton of the Anthropocene: On Carbosilicon Machines and Cyberfossil Capital”, South Atlantic Quarterly 1 April 2017; 116 (2): 311–326. +PDF

German translation by Jakob Gurschler, “Der Automaton des Anthropozäns: über Kohlenstoffsiliziummaschinen und cyberfossiles Kapital”, unpublished. +PDF

“Abnormal Encephalization in the Age of Machine Learning”, e-flux, n. 75, September 2016. +PDF.

German trans.: “Anormale Enzephalisierung im Zeitalter des maschinellen Lernens”, in: Anne Koppenburger et (eds) Versprechungen. Emanzipatorische Positionen im technologischen Wandeln. Münster: Unrast, 2017. +PDF

Spanish trans.: “Encefalización anormal en la edad del aprendizaje de máquinas”, in: Francesco Maniglio et al. (eds) Capitalismo Financiero y Comunicación. Madrid: CIESPAL, 2017. +PDF

Czech trans.: “Neobvyklá encefalizace ve věku strojového učení”, Big Light, Brno: Brno House Of Arts, 2016. +PDF

“Esiod 2015: The Voice of Financial Singularity”, in: Clemens von Wedemeyer, Orte unter Einfluss/ Affected Place, Leipzig: Spector books, 2016. +PDF

German trans.: “Esiod 2015: Die Stille der Finanzsingularität”, in: Clemens von Wedemeyer, Orte unter Einfluss/ Affected Place, Leipzig: Spector books, 2016. +PDF

“The Spike: On the Growth and Form of Pattern Police”, in: Stephanie Hankey, Marek Tuszynski and Anselm Franke (eds) Nervous Systems, exhibition catalogue. Berlin: Haus der Kulturen der Welt / Spector books, 2016. +PDF

Spanish trans.: “Despuntes: del crecimiento y la forma de la policía de los patrones”. Granta, Barcelona, November 2016. +PDF

German trans. forthcoming.

“The Alien Hand of the Technosphere: Kurt Goldstein and the Trauma of Intelligent Machines”, Technosphere Magazine, Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin, web publication, November 2016. +PDF

“Capital Thinks Too: The Idea of the Common in the Age of Machine Intelligence”, Open!  magazine: “Commonist Aesthetics”, Amsterdam, December 2015. +PDF

“On Solar Databases and the Exogenesis of Light”, e-flux, n. 65 (Politics of Shine / Supercommunity 56th Venice Biennale), 4 June 2015. +PDF

“On the Exogenesis of Life: Matter, Information and the Riddle of the Negative Entropy”, in: Nadim Samman and Boris Ondreicka (eds.) Rare Earth, Berlin: Sternberg Press / Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, 2015.

“What an Apparatus is Not: On the Archeology of the Norm in Foucault, Canguilhem, and Goldstein”, Parrhesia, n. 22, May 2015. +PDF [peer reviewed]

Italian version: “Che cosa (non) è un dispositivo: Sull’archeologia della norma in Canguilhem, Foucault e Agamben”. In: Dario Gentili and Elettra Stimilli (eds), Differenze Italiane: Politica e filosofia, mappe e sconfinamenti. Roma: Derive Approdi, 2015. +PDF

German trans.: “Was ein Dispositiv nicht ist: Archäologie der Norm bei Foucault, Canguilhem und Goldstein”. In:  Gerald Siegmund, Lorenz Aggermann and Georg Döcker (eds) Theater als Dispositiv. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 2016. +PDF

“Italian Operaismo and the Information Machine”, Theory, Culture & Society, 2015, Vol. 32(3) 49–68. First published online on February 2, 2014. +PDF [peer reviewed]

German trans.: “Der italienische Operaismo und die Informationsmaschine”. In: Ramón Reichert (ed.), Big Data: Analysen zum digitalen Wandel von Wissen, Macht und Ökonomie. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2014. +PDF

Previous Italian version: “Capitalismo macchinico e plusvalore di rete: note sull’economia politica della macchina di Turing”. Uninomade, 17 Nov. 2011. Now in: Matteo Pasquinelli (ed.) Gli algoritmi del capitale. Accelerazionismo, macchine della conoscenza e autonomia del comune. Verona: Ombrecorte, 2014.  +PDF

Portoguese trans.: “Capitalismo maquínico e mais-valia de rede: Notas sobre a economia política da máquina de Turing”, Lugar Comun #39. Rio De janero2013. +PDF

Korean trans.: 기계적 자본주의와 네트워크 잉여가치 튜링기계의 정치경제학 in: 자본의 코뮤니즘, 우리의 코뮤니즘: 공통적인 것의 구성을 위한 에세이 Seoul, 2012. +PDF

“The Eye of the Algorithm: Anthropocene and the Making of the World Brain”, unpublished, +PDF

German trans.: “Das Auge des Algorithmus”, Springerin #4 “Kognitives Kapital”, October 2014, Vienna. +PDF

“The Contradiction of the Sun (and the Limits of a Molecular Revolt)” in: The Ultimate Capital is the Sun, exhibition catalogue, Berlin: NGBK 2014. +PDF

German trans. by Claudia Weigel: “Die widersprüchliche Sonne (und die Grenzen der molekularen Rebellion)”. +PDF

“Digitalisme: l’impasse de la media culture”, Multitudes #54,  2013. +WEB

“The Power of Abstraction and Its Antagonism. On Some Problems Common to Contemporary Neuroscience and the Theory of Cognitive Capitalism”. In: Warren Neidich (ed.) Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism, Part 2. Berlin: Archive Books,  2014. +WEB +PDF

Portoguese trans.: “O poder de abstração e o seu antagonismo. Sobre as psicopatologias do capitalismo cognitivo”, Lugar Comun #42, Rio de Janeiro, 2014.

“The Labour of Abstraction: Seven Transitional Theses on Marxism and Accelerationism”, Fillip #19, Vancouver, 2014. +WEB

Italian trans.: “Il lavoro dell’astrazione. Sette tesi su marxismo e accelerazionismo”, in: Gli algoritmi del capitale. Verona: Ombrecorte, 2014. +WEB

Portoguese trans.: “O trabalho da abstração: sete teses sobre marxismo e aceleracionismo”. Lugar Comum #42, Rio de Janeiro, 2014. +PDF

German trans.: “Die Arbeit der Abstraktion. Sechs vorübergehende Thesen zu Marxismus und Akzelerationismus”. In: #Akzeleration. Berlin: Merve, 2013. +PDF

French trans.: “Le travail de l’abstraction : sept thèses transitionnelles sur le marxisme et l’accélérationnisme”, Multitudes, n. 56, October 2014. +PDF

Dutch trans.: “Zeven overgangsstellingen over marxisme en accelerationisme”, Acceleratie, Amsterdam: Leesmagazijn, 2014.

“To Anticipate and Accelerate: Italian Operaismo and Reading Marx’s Notion of Organic Composition of Capital”, Rethinking Marxism journal, vol. 26, n. 2, 2014. +PDF [peer reviewed]

“The Number of the Collective Beast: Value in the Age of the New Algorithmic Institutions of Ranking and Rating”, unpublished, +WEB

Portoguese trans.: “A medida da fera coletiva: o valor na era das novas instituições algorítmicas de ranqueamento e avaliação”, Lugar Comum #42, Rio de Janeiro, 2014. +PDF

An older version in Italian: “Il numero della bestia collettiva. Sulla sostanza del valore nell’era della crisi del debito”, Uninomade, 25 Aug. 2012, +WEB

“Der Aufstieg der Metadatengesellschaft”, Springerin #3, 2013, Vienna. +PDF

“The Politics of Abstraction: Beyond the Opposition of Knowledge and Life”, Open! magazine, Amsterdam, October 2013. +WEB

“The Biosphere of Machines: Enter the Parasite”, in: Ariane Lourie Harrison (ed.) Architectural Theories of the Environment: Posthuman Territory, Routledge, 2012.

Four Regimes of Entropy: For an Ecology of Genetics and Biomorphic Media Theory”, Fibreculture #17: Unnatural ecologies, special issue on media ecology. 2011. +PDF [peer reviewed]

Spanish trans. by Hebe Giobb y Matt Biaggi: “Cuatro regímenes de entropía: por una ecología de la genética y de la teoría biomórfica de los media”, Barcelona: dpr-barcelona, 2012

“The Art of Ruins: The Factory of Culture Through the Crisis”, in: Jorinde Seijdel and Liesbeth Melis (eds), Open #17 : A Precarious Existence, Rotterdam: NAi Publishers, 2009. +WEB

Dutch trans.: “De kunst van ruïnes: De cultuurfabriek door de crisis heen”, in J. Seijdel and L. Melis (eds), Open #17: A Precarious Existence, cit. +PDF

“Beyond the Ruins of the Creative City: Berlin’s Factory of Culture and the Sabotage of Rent”, in: KUNSTrePUBLIK (ed.), Skulpturenpark Berlin_Zentrum, Berlin: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2010. +PDF

German trans.: “The Sabotage of Rent. Jenseits der Ruinen der Creative City”, in: Konrad Becker & Martin Wassermair (eds), Phantom Kulturstadt: Texte zur Zukunft der Kulturpolitik, vol. II, Vienna: Löcker Verlag, 2009. +PDF

Italian trans.: “Oltre le rovine della Città Creativa: la fabbrica della cultura e il sabotaggio della rendita”, in Marco Baravalle (ed.), L’arte della sovversione. Multiversity: pratiche artistiche contemporanee e attivismo politico, Rome: Manifestolibri, 2009. +PDF

Polish trans. by Krystian Szadkowski: “Na ruinach miasta kreatywnego: Berlińska fabryka wiedzy a sabotaż renty”, in Ekonomia kultury: Przewodnik Krytyki Politycznej, Warsaw: Krytyki Politycznej: 2010. + PDF

Greek trans. by RATNET: “Πέρα από τα ερείπια της δημιουργικής πόλης: Το εργοστάσιο κουλτούρας του Βερολίνου και το σαμποτάζ του ενοικίου”, 2009, unpublished. +WEB

Serbo-Croatian trans.: “Kreativna sabotaža u fabrici kulture: umetnost, džentrifikacija i metropola”, in: Ana Vilenica and, Na ruševinama kreativnog grada, Novi Sad:, 2012.

“Google’s PageRank Algorithm: A Diagram of Cognitive Capitalism and the Rentier of the Common Intellect”, in Konrad Becker, Felix Stalder (eds), Deep Search, London: Transaction Publishers: 2009. +PDF

German trans.: “Googles PageRank: Diagramm des kognitiven Kapitalismus und Rentier des gemeinsamen Wissens”, in: Konrad Becker, Felix Stalder (eds), Deep Search: Politik des Suchens jenseits von Google, Wien: Studien Verlag, 2009. +WEB

Italian trans.: “L’algoritmo PageRank di Google: diagramma del capitalismo cognitivo e rentier dell’intelletto comune” in F. Chicchi and G. Roggero (eds), Sociologia del lavoro, Milano: Franco Angeli, 2009. +PDF

Japanese trans.: グーグル〈ページランク〉のアルゴリズム 認知資本主義のダイアグラムと 〈共通知〉 の寄食者 レンティア, in: Gendai-Shiso 01/2011. +WEB

Portuguese trans.: “O algoritmo pagerank da Google: um diagrama do capitalismo cognitivo e da exploração da inteligência social geral”, Uninomade Brazil, May 2012. +WEB +PDF

French trans.: “Google Pagerank, una machine de valorisation et d’exploitation de l’attention”, in: Yves Citton (ed.), L’économie de l’attention. Nouvel horizon du capitalisme?, Paris: La Découverte, 2014.  +WEB +ePub

“The Ideology of Free Culture and the Grammar of Sabotage“, in: D. Araya & M.A. Peters (eds) Education in the Creative Economy: Knowledge and Learning in the Age of Innovation, New York: Peter Lang, 2010. +PDF

Italian trans.: “L’ideologia della Cultura Libera e la grammatica del sabotaggio”, Uninomade seminar, 16 Jan. 2008, Roma: Manifesto libri, forthcoming. + PDF

Japanese trans.: 「フリー・カルチャー」イデオロギーとサボタージュの文法, in: Gendai-Shiso 01/2011. +WEB

Portuguese trans.: “A ideologia da cultura livre e a gramática da sabotagem”, in: Adriano Belisario & Bruno Tarin (eds) “Copyfight: Pirataria & Cultura Livre”, Rio de Janeiro: Azougue, 2012. +PDF

Keyword entries

“Metadata Society”, keyword entry in: Rosi Braidotti and Maria Hlavajova (eds) Posthuman Glossary, London: Bloomsbury, 2018. +PDF

“Augmented Intelligence”, keyword entry in: Critical Keywords for the Digital Humanities, Lüneburg: Leuphana university, 2014. +PDF

Reviews and articles

“The Generation of the Digital Austerity Rises”, review of Paul Mason’s Postcapitalism, Real Review, forthcoming. +PDF

Italian version: “Vie di fuga tecnopolitiche dall’austerity”, review of Paul Mason’s Postcapitalism, il manifesto, 23 March 2016. +PDF

German translation by Jakob Gurschler: “Technopolitische Fluchtwege aus der Austerität” +PDF

Review of Elettra Stimilli’s Il debito del vivente: Ascesi e capitalismo, Theory, Culture & Society, 16 October 2014. +PDF

“The Spectres of the Common and the Diagram of Value”,  review of Hardt and Negri’s Commonwealth. Praktyka Teoretyczna, January 2012. +WEB

Polish translation: “Widma tego, co wspólne, oraz diagram wartości”. Praktyka Teoretyczna, January 2012. +WEB +PDF

“La cosiddetta Italian Theory e la rivolta del sapere vivo”, published as “L’ascesa in cattedra di un pensiero critico”. Il manifesto, 13 Apr. 2011. +WEB

English translation: “The so-called Italian Theory and the revolt of living knowledge”. Uninomade, 13 Apr. 2011.+WEB

Portuguese translation by Moisés Sbardelotto: “A ascensão acadêmica do pensamento crítico”. Instituto Humanitas Unisinos, 15 Apr. 2011. +WEB

Spanish translation by Rekonektor: “La tan llamada “Italian Theory” y la revuelta del conocimiento viviente”. Rekonektor, 16 Apr. 2011. +WEB

French translation by Francesca Martinez: “L’Italian Theory et la révolte du savoir vivant”. Politiques de l’imagination, 27 Apr. 2011. +WEB

Polish translation by Krystian Szadkowski: “Tak zwana Italian Theory i rewolta żywej wiedzy”. Korporacja Ha!art, 4 May 2011. +WEB

“Die produktive Seele”. Der Freitag (German weekly), 30 Jan. 2011. +WEB
Orig. in English: “The Soul at Work”. +WEB

“The Masochism of the Commodity Form: Queer Porn and the Fine Art of Paradox”, in: Exhausting Immaterial Labour in Performance, joint issue of Le Journal des Laboratoires and TkH Journal for Performing Arts Theory (no. 17), October 2010.

Serbo-Croatian trans.: Mazohizam robnog oblika: Queer pornografija i lepe umetnosti paradoksa, in: Exhausting Immaterial Labour in Performance, joint issue of Le Journal des Laboratoires and TkH Journal for Performing Arts Theory (no. 17), October 2010.

“Die Regierung des digitalen Mehrwerts: Von der NetzGesellschaft zur Gesellschaft der Metadaten” in: Kulturaustausch #3/2010, e-Volution, Berlin: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa). +WEB +PDF

Orig. in Italian: “Il governo del surplus digitale: dalla società della rete alla società dei metadati”, unpublished. +PDF

“No Struggle Against the Void: Another Relationality Conference. Another report from Barcelona”, Transform, Wien: European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies, 6 Jun. 2006. +WEB

“The videocity: Urban media and «sense of place»” / “La videocittà. Media Urbani e «senso del luogo»”, in: Cluster Magazine #5 (City/Città), Torino: 2005. +PDF


“Σαμποτάρονται τα νέα αστικά σύνορα; Μια συνομιλία με τον Ματέο Πασκουινέλι”. Interview for Konteiner 14/2011 (Athens). +WEB

Marie Lechner, ”Nous n’exploitons pas le réseau, c’est le réseau qui nous exploite”, interview with Matteo Pasquinelli, Libération, 2 March 2010. Republished in: La Revue de Mauss #35 ‘La gratuité: Éloge de l’inestimable’ (Paris: Le Dècouverte, 2010) +PDF

Lectures & Presentations [not often updated: see Events page]

“The Alien Hand of the Technosphere: Kurt Goldstein and the Trauma of Intelligent Machines”, talk at The Technosphere, Now, Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin, October 2015. +PDF

“Introducing Four Regimes of Entropy: Notes on a Biomorphic Media Theory”. Seminar  at Humboldt University Berlin, Institut für Medienwissenschaft. 27 Apr. 2011. +WEB +PDF

“There is nothing less passive than the act of fleeing”. Performative reading and seminar, with Sean Dockray, Caleb Waldorf, Jason E. Smith. UCIRA State of the Arts conference. San Diego. 19 Nov. 2010 +WEB

“The (Intellectual) Siege on Bios: The notions of power and resistance between naked life and potentia in contemporary Italian philosophy”. A seminar at the School of Critical Studies, California Institute of the Arts. 17 Nov. 2010. + WEB

“Informationalism and the Notion of Surplus: A Critique of the Economy of the Digital Commons”. UCLA Department of Information Studies, Loas Angeles. 23 Nov. 2010. +WEB

“If there is no longer an outside, masochism is the new love from afar”, performative lecture at Love and Space talk series. Salon Populaire, Berlin 29 Sep. 2010. +PDF

“Introducing Four Regimes of Entropy: Notes on Environmental Fatalism and Energo-Determinism”, Beyond Entropy: When Energy Becomes Form symposium organised by Architectural Association London at Fondazione Cini, Venice 17 Aug. 2010. +WEB

“The Masochism of the Commodity Form: Queer Porn and The Fine Art of Paradox”, paper at Desiring Just Economies conference, ICI Berlin, 26-26 Jun. 2010. 

“Looking Beyond the Overcode: Art in the Age of the Communism of Capital”, lecture at Deschooling Classroom, Skopje, 9 Jun. 2010. +WEB

“Surplus and the Immaterial: Political Notes on the Industrial Revolution of Data”, Deep Search II conference, Vienna, 28 May 2010. +WEB

“Artigiani di una materia entropica: Singolarità della moltitudine ed economia delle reti”, Uninomade seminar ‘Digital Commons’, Venezia 7-8 Maggio 2010 [in Italian]. +PDF

“On the Ruins of the Post-Fodist City”, seminar at Berlage Institute, Rotterdam: 20 May 2010. +WEB

“Digital Neofeudalism: Crisis of Network Politics and the New Topology of Rent”, talk at Transmediale festival, Berlin: 7 Feb. 2010. +PDF

“Common, Rent and Sabotage: Diagrams of Cognitive Capitalism”, lecture at Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid: 2 Nov. 2009. +PDF.

“The Art Of Fermentation: For An Ecology Of Micro-Organisms And Invisible Urban Umwelten”, lecture at Vivo Arts School For Transgenic Aesthetics, Waag Society, Amsterdam: 15 Sep. 2009.

“Beyond the Ruins of the Creative City: Berlin’s Factory of Culture and the Sabotage of Rent”, LANDREFORM Consistory Talk I : The Artist and Urban Development, Skulpturenpark Berlin_Zentrum, Berlin: 13 Dec. 2008,

“Maggots and Parasites. Bites of a Modest Dystopian Pornography”, presentation at Galerie Tristesse Deluxe, Berlin: 25 Oct. 2007.

“Barcelona Social Industries“, presentation at My Creativity: Convention on International Creative Industries Research, Amsterdam: 18 Nov. 2006.